Honours Research
Henein, Maria - "Exploring Dietetics Students' Experiences of Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility Education", supervised by Dr. Jennifer Brady. Read the abstract...
Hennigar, Abigail - "The Social Determinants of Health as Barriers to Food Access: Informing the Design of a Socioeconomically Inclusive Food Hub in Wolfville, Nova Scotia", supervised by Dr. Liesel Carlsson. Read the abstract...
Knowles, Sophie - "The Effects of Tart Cherry Juice on Recovery Outcomes, Metabolic Response, and Cardiovascular Function in Trained Cyclists", supervised by Dr. Mojtaba Kaviani. Read the abstract...
Barker, Sophie - "Exploring the Sensory Characteristics of a Yellow Pea Flour and Chicken Meat Analogue Burger", supervised by Dr. Matt McSweeney. Read the abstract...
Chandler, Sarah - "Towards Sustainability: Characterizing the Properties of a Chicken and Yellow Pea Meat Analogue Burger", supervised by Dr. Matt McSweeney. Read the abstract...
McCarthy, Emily - "Assessing a Localized Food System Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic for Resilience and Food Security", supervised by Dr. Liesel Carlsson. Read the abstract...
Higgins, Madalyn - "Assessing the Prevalence and the Effect of Nutrition Education on Female Athlete Triad Risk at Acadia University", supervised by Dr. Mojtaba Kaviani. Read the abstract...
Lamont, Tim - "Surf'n Bake: Exploring the Sensory Characteristics of Seaweed Composite Bread", supervised by Dr. Matt McSweeney. Read the abstract...
Tomchuk, Alexis - "Effects of New Zealand Black Currant Extract on Cardiovascular Function and Exercise Performance in Football and Rugby Players", supervised by Dr. Mojtaba Kaviani. Read the abstract...
Bonnell, Heather - "Eating with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Examining Nutrition Narratives to Enhance Medical Nutrition Therapy", supervised by Dr. Catherine Morley. Read the abstract...
Hayward, Lydia - "Reading between the Wines: Studying the Impact Caloric Values have on Consumers' Sensory Perceptions of Rose Wines", supervised by Dr. Matt McSweeney. Read the abstract...
Abou Elaun, Shae - "Field Testing the Nutrition Inventory for Community-Dwelling Elders (NICE) to Determine Consumer Readability and Comprehension", supervised by Dr. Catherine Morley. Read the abstract...
Hillier, Katherine - "Investigating the Consumption of Sports Supplements Amongst Varsity Athletes with a Focus on Supplement Contamination, Frequency of Use, and Motivation", supervised by Dr. Mojtaba Kaviani. Read the abstract...
Manstan, Tiffany - "The Future is Now: Consumer Perceptions Toward 3D Printed Foods and Technology", supervised by Dr. Matt McSweeney. Read the abstract...
Smith, Amy - "Exploring Consumers' Perception of Nova Scotia White Wine", supervised by Dr. Matt McSweeney. Read the abstract...
Wiseman, Joscelyn - "The Relationships Between Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Sleep Patterns on Skeletal Health and Quality of Life in Elderly Adults", supervised by Dr. Mojtaba Kaviani. Read the abstract...
Graham, Cassidy - "Nova Scotia Dietitians' Experience with Orthorexia Nervosa", supervised by Dr. Matt Durant. Read the abstract...
Jantzi, Heather - "Developing a Consumer Language to Describe Local Red Wines Using Projective Mapping", supervised by Dr. Matt McSweeney. Read the abstract...
Grann, Amy - "Tradition and Culture versus Supply and Demand: Traditional Food Access in Nova Scotia", supervised by Prof. Liesel Carlsson. Read the abstract...
Muggah, Elizabeth - "Women and Beer: Investigating Women's Beer Preferences Using Preferred Attribute Elicitation and Conjoint Analysis", supervised by Dr. Matt McSweeney. Read the abstract...
Fraser, Kathryn - "Social Barriers in Nutrition and Mental Health", supervised by Dr. Cathy Morley. Read the abstract...
Wills, Lauren - "Analysis of the Meals on Wheels Programs in the Annapolis Valley Health District", supervised by Dr. Cathy Morley. Read the abstract...
Biden, Catherine - "The Adequacy of Texture Modified Menus in Long-term Care Facilities in Nova Scotia with Relation to Canada's Food Guide", supervised by Dr. Matt Durant. Read the abstract...
Cox, Victoria - "Eating While at University: An Exploration of Acadia University Student Experiences", supervised by Dr. Cathy Morley. Read the abstract...
T'ien, Caroline, "The Assessment of Vitamin B12 by Nova Scotia Family Practitioners", supervised by Dr. Matt Durant. Read the abstract...
Hogg, Jennifer - "Evaluation of a Curriculum-Appropriate Nutrition Education Video Informed by Nova Scotia Adolescents' Needs and Preferences for New Media", supervised by Dr. Cathy Morley. Read the abstract...
Tillotson, Amy - "Attitudes and Perceptions of Nova Scotia Youth toward Healthy Eating", supervised by Dr. Matt Durant. Read the abstract...
Cohen, Samantha - "Ethics of Participatory Action Research on Food Security Related Projects: Experiences and Lessons Learned", supervised by Prof. Barb Anderson and Dr. Patricia Williams. Read the abstract...
Danaher, Kavanagh - "Nutrition Knowledge and Practices of Varsity Coaches at a Canadian University", supervised by Prof. Tristaca Curley. Read the abstract...
Barss, Neil - "Moderate Alcohol: A Survey of Awareness, Beliefs and Practices in an Atlantic University Community", supervised by Dr. Tanis Mihalynuk. Read the abstract...
Francis, Jane - "Food, Moods and Lifestyles of School-Aged Children: A Correlational Study", supervised by Dr. Tanis Mihalynuk. Read the abstract...
Holmes, Monica - "Growing a Sustainable Relationship Between the Acadia Community Farm and the School of Nutrition and Dietetics", supervised by Prof. Barb Anderson. Read the abstract...
Milan, Amber - "The Implementation and Evaluation of the S.M.I.L.E. Snack Program for Children of Varying Abilities: A Case Study", supervised by Dr. Tanis Mihalynuk. Read the abstract...
Monteith, Hiliary - "Impact on Medium-Term Individual Capacity Building from Involvement in Participatory Food Costing", supervised by Prof. Barb Anderson. Read the abstract...
Ettinger, Laurel - "Does Body Size Affect Sweetness Thresholds and Perception and Liking of a Food Product in Normal Weight Women?", supervised by Prof. Tristaca Caldwell
MacLean, Laura - "A Sensory Evaluation of Pork Quality from Hogs Finished on an Organic Apple Diet", supervised by Dr. Lisa Duizer
Urquhart, Christie - "Imperfect Girl Talk: Exploring the Relationships between Socio-Cultural Norms, Disordered Eating and Obesity", supervised by Dr. Tanis Mihalynuk
Sheehan, Hannah - "Perceptions of Weight and Health, Weight History, and Barriers and Motivations for Weight Loss", supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Johnston
2007 - 2008
Li, Wangyang Tina - "Children's and University Students' Liking of Organic Apples Grown With or Without the Use of Reflective Mulch", supervised by Dr. Lisa Duizer
2006 - 2007
Connolly, Lindsay - "Vitamin D Intakes and Blood Status of a Group of Pregnant and Lactating Women Residing in Southern Ontario", supervised by Dr. Lisa Houghton
Mahar, Alyson - "The Effect of Nutritive and Non-Nutritive Sweeteners on Sweetness Preference and their Relation to Increased Sweet-food Consumption", supervised by Dr. Lisa Duizer
Noseworthy, Beverley - "Acceptability of Ground Flaxseed and the Effect of Omega-3 Content Information on Purchase Intent", supervised by Dr. Lisa Duizer
Rasmussen, Heidi - "Dietary Intakes, Sports Nutrition Knowledge and Beliefs of Rock Climbers", supervised by Prof. Heather Petrie
St. John, Meredith - "Adherence to Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating: The Roles of Weight Status and Household Income in Nova Scotia Children and Youth", supervised by Prof. Matt Durant
2005 - 2006
Trussler, Kate - "Improved High Intensity Cycling Performance with Consumption of Low Dose Caffeine", supervised by Prof. Heather Petrie and Dr. Jonathon Fowles
Wells, Crystal - "The Effect of a High Protein Diet on Hydration Status", supervised by Prof. Heather Petrie and Dr. Elizabeth Johnston
2004 - 2005
Brockerville, Melissa - "Benefits of Exercise and Nutrition Counseling for People with Type 2 Diabetes", supervised by Prof. Judy Lowe and Dr. Rene Murphy
Doney, Brianne - "The Effect of a Health Message on Sodium Preference in University Students", supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Johnston