Dr. Matt Durant, Professor

Dr. Matt Durant


Huggins Science Hall, Room 419

Telephone: 902-585-1204

Fax: 902-585-1637

Email: matthew.durant@acadiau.ca



Dalhousie University (PhD)

Mount Saint Vincent University (Master of Education)

Acadia University (Bachelor of Science in Nutrition)

Registered Dietitian

Certified Diabetes Educator

Certified Nutrition Support Clinician (pending)

Fellow, Dietitians of Canada (FDC)

Adjunct Professor - Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dalhousie University


Courses (2024-2025)

Nutr 1503 (Understanding Nutrition)

Nutr 3023 (Advanced Human Nutrition)

Nutr 4053 (Topics in Obesity)

Nutr 4533 (Nutrition and Disease 1)

Nutr 4553 (Nutrition and Disease 2)


Research and Teaching interests

I have a varied number of interests in human nutrition, metabolism and related sciences. I have introduced a new Special Topics Course in Advanced Topics in Obesity, and had an amazing time learning alongside my students in a wonderfully interactive, discussion based forum, in an area of emerging and crucial research and development for Canadians. 

I have a keen interest in clinical nutrition and medical nutritional therapy for disease, especially as it relates to our aging Canadian population. I enjoy teaching in the areas of enteral and parenteral nutrition support as well as acute and chronic disease management.